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Keyword Frequency Analyzer

Keyword Density Analyzer

Keyword Density Checker

Keyword Density Analyzer is helpful for serving webmasters and SEOs reach their best possible keyword density for a set of key conditions. Keyword Density Checker will crawl the set URL, extract text as a search engine would and examine the density of the keywords. Keyword frequency checker will investigate your chosen URL and return a table of keyword density. In an attempt to mimic the meaning of search engine spiders, it will clean out common stop words (since these will probably be ignored by search engines).

Website URL:
Ignore Words of Characters or less
Minimum Occurrences
Include Page Title
Include Meta Tag Keywords
Include Meta tag Description
Use our default stop word list
Image Verification:
Type the characters
you see in the image.


Note, results with www. and without www. can significantly differ.

Keyword Density (keyword frequency) is the percentage of occurrence of your keywords to the text in the rest of your web page.
It is essential for your main keywords to have the proper keyword density to rank well in Search Engines.

keyword frequency

Keyword density is significant because search engines use this information to group a site's theme, and to determine which terms the site is related to.
The ideal keyword density will help get higher search engine positions. Keyword frequency needs to be balanced properly (too low and you will not get the optimal advantage, too high and your page might get flagged for keyword spamming).

Keyword Cloud is a visual representation of keywords used on a website.
Keywords having higher density are presented in larger fonts. The keyword cloud is also known as tag cloud. These tags are used on the web site and generally displayed in alphabetic order. It is based on the way that a search spider views the page. It is better to use keywords on the beginning of the webpage. And then the keywords list should be used throughout the website to raise your rankings.
Idyllically your most important keywords should appear in larger fonts at the start of the keyword cloud.

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